Hello! I am an illustrator, mainly for children’s books who lives and works in Cologne, Germany. My Illustations are often described as „atmospheric“, which especially shows in my Cover-Art. As a trained graphic designer, I paint mainly digitally, but I like observing people and places with my scetchbook, too.
Before I became an illustrator, I studied visual communication at University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf, moved to Hamburg and worked as a graphic designer for a few years. After visiting Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2008, I decided to give illustration a try. Since then I painted a lot of children, animals, snowflakes, owls and all kinds of birds (even mechanical ones), foxes, flowers, nights, ghosts, castles, princesses, mothers, balloons, treehouses, summers, ponys, little people who live in a dusty carpet, people who fly on carpets, elephants, teachers, bad and good wizards, cars, clouds – and a lot more!

If you want to work with me, know more, order a print or write me a fan-letter please contact me.

You can also follow me on Instagram

Selected Clients:
arsEdition + Thienemann-Esslinger + HANSER + Harper Collins + Oetinger Verlagsgruppe + Loewe Verlag + CARLSEN + dtv junior + Arena Verlag + cbj Verlag + Fischer-Sauerländer + Ueberreuter + Arena Verlag + Boje Verlag + DAV + Goethe Institut Paris + Kölner Stadtanzeiger